Scholarship Opportunities


Congratulations to the scholarship recipients

We are pleased to present the recipients of this year’s Alexander Valley Ladies Aid scholarship.

Annie Petersen
Isabella Figueroa
Allison Grande
Kathryn Conrad
Ryder Monahan


The Alexander Valley Ladies Aid scholarship is for graduating high school seniors, with a preference for those living in Alexander Valley, Sonoma County, CA, and to those with an interest in agriculture.  We invite you to apply if you will be attending a 4-year college or community college in the Fall of 2024.   This scholarship award is currently $1000 annually, and will be given to up to five students, awarded upon receipt of full documentation (see application).

Please download the application, gather appropriate documentation, and mail to:
c/o Liz Johnson
Alexander Ladies Aid Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 44
Healdsburg, CA 95448 

DEADLINE: March 1, 2024


Our organization aids in the maintenance of Sonoma County Historic Monument, The Alexander Valley Community Church, provides scholarships to local high school graduates, and extends donations to worthy local charities.